Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Program Development in Japan and HK

Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program development in Japan  copyright reserved Introduction Artist-in-Residence (AIR) is a program which aims to support the creative activities of overseas artists by providing opportunities for them to stay and work outside their countries or regions for a certain period of time while providing opportunities of exchange activities in the host community/residence. There are thousands of AIR organizations around the world. With a longer … Continue reading Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Program Development in Japan and HK


Abstract Metamodernism was first introduced in 2010 by cultural theorists Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker as a way to understand the current condition of human philosophy that has befallen us in the wake of the decline of postmodernism.[i] Alan Kirby says postmodernism is dead and buried. Many theorist and critics said postmodern is over because new generations of artists increasingly abandon the aesthetic … Continue reading LITERATURE REVIEW – NOTES ON METAMODERNISM



商業的藝術是商品與顧客之間的溝通。這套用在藝術品與觀賞者的關係上,畫廊便成為兩者間不可缺的橋樑。「經營 畫廊是希望它能連繫藝術家與觀賞者,成為藝術創作與市場的橋樑。作為藝術家,跟本地市場溝通是必要的。」 Continue reading 在畫廊與藝術家之間

Marketing Model of Art Gallery Business

While art play is personal and romantic, running an art business is often not. Calculation and business strategy count to the success of the business. Meyer has suggested that the organization of gallery business is like a highly complicated matrix where marketing strategies become very important. Meyer addressed this business model specifically to the operation of a gallery as he sees art products are special … Continue reading Marketing Model of Art Gallery Business

Communication between Artists and the Galleries

Introduction – Where Does the Line Lie? Establishing one’s own gallery may be the ultimate dream of the incalculable art-lovers and artists out there. Yet before jumping into the romantic idealization of such, one must acknowledge that running a commercial gallery may not be as free and simple as acquiring personally-favored works to hang in your apartment. After all, galleries do not merely display and … Continue reading Communication between Artists and the Galleries